Unity_Addressable_Group templates(组模板) 全球快播

2023-03-31 01:03:09来源:哔哩哔哩

A Group template defines which types of schema objects Unity creates for a new group. The Addressables system includes the Packed Assetstemplate, which includes all the settings needed to build and load Addressables using the default build scripts.

译:Unity中的“组模板”定义了Unity为新组创建的模式对象的类型。Addressables系统包括“Packed Assets”模板,其中包括使用默认构建脚本构建和加载Addressables所需的所有设置。

If you want to create your own build scripts or utilities that need additional settings, you can define these settings in your own schema objects and create your own group templates. The following instructions describe how to do this:



Navigate to the desired location in your Assets folder using the Project panel.译:使用项目面板导航到Assets文件夹中所需的位置。

Create a Blank Group Template (menu: Assets&gt Addressables&gt Group Templates&gt Blank Group Templates).译:创建一个空的组模板(菜单:Assets> Addressables> Group Templates> Blank Group Templates)。

Assign a suitable name to the template.译:为模板分配一个合适的名称。

In the Inspector window, add a description, if desired.译:在检查器窗口中,如果需要,添加说明。

Click the Add Schemabutton and choose from the list of schemas.译:单击“添加模式”按钮,然后从模式列表中选择。

Repeat the above steps to add as many new schemas as needed.



If you use the default build script, a group must use the Content Packing & Loadingschema. If you use content update builds, a group must include the Content Update Restrictionsschema. See Builds for more information.

译:如果使用默认构建脚本,则组必须使用“Content Packing&Loading”模式。如果使用内容更新构建,则组必须包括“Content Update Restrictions”模式。有关更多信息,请参见“构建”。

